POLEDANCE je vertikálna tyč určená pre rôzne druhy silových a strečingových cvikov. Je to multifunkčný prvok vhodný hlavne pre cvičenie POLEDANCE, rôznych druhov cvikov kalisteniky a street workoutu ako je vlajka a podobne. Pôdorys varianty MINI je menší ako u štandardnej verzii a je tak vhodnejšia pre menšie konštrukcie a zostavy.

POLEDANCE je vertikálna tyč určená pre rôzne druhy silových a strečingových cvikov. Je to multifunkčný prvok vhodný hlavne pre cvičenie POLEDANCE, rôznych druhov cvikov kalisteniky a street workoutu ako je vlajka a podobne. Pôdorys varianty MINI je menší ako u štandardnej verzii a je tak vhodnejšia pre menšie konštrukcie a zostavy.

Length:620 mm
Width:700 mm
Height:2800 mm
Diameter:43 mm
Weight:25.0 kg
Info:possible to get with the beam between the uprights
Norm:EN STN 16630:2015
Color:podľa palety RAL
Manufacturer:WODGEAR, s.r.o. SVK


STREET WORKOUT Street workout is not just a fitness phenomenon for quite a long time. It’s one of the fastest growing kinds of sport not just in Slovakia but worldwide. It uses mostly body weight workout with various kinds of horizontal and parallel bars, wall bars, benches etc. People work out in parks, on benches or on children's playgrounds and we try to help them by building workout parks. These workout parks are specially designed for such kind of work out and they are also safe to use in public places. By building them in cities and towns youngsters are encouraged to spend their time meaningfully and responsibly. These parks form communities, where people help and respect one another.

All products are designed, manufactured and tested in our manufacturing facility in Vranov nad Topľou (SK) and all our suppliers also come from Slovakia. For that reason we are able to guarantee a high quality of all our products.
Profile:80x80 mm
Gauge:3 mm
Profile:42,4 mm
Gauge:4 mm
Length:620 mm
Width:700 mm
Height:2800 mm
Diameter:43 mm
Weight:25.0 kg
Info:possible to get with the beam between the uprights
Norm:EN STN 16630:2015
Color:podľa palety RAL
Manufacturer:WODGEAR, s.r.o. SVK
